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Stand-type small size Hinoki cutting board
Stand-type small size Hinoki cutting board
Stand-type small size Hinoki cutting board
Stand-type small size Hinoki cutting board
Stand-type small size Hinoki cutting board
Product Code Handy and portable cutting board
Availability 10
Price ¥5,500.00
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Stand-type small size Hinoki cutting board

Product Code : Handy and portable cutting board

Availability : 10


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This little stand-type Hinoki cutting board is extremely handy and easy to use even in the smallest kitchens. It features really small size, so you can take the board wherever you go. Stand allows the board to be stores easily when not in use. Portable and durable and easy to care for. Just wet the board a little bit before using to prevent the staining and when you’re done with the cutting, wash them with any mild detergent, towel dry and let air-dry. 
Japanese cutting boards are known all over the world as well as Japanese knives. Hinoki, a Japanese cypress, is a medium-soft wood that preserve the edges of your fine Japanese cutlery. It is known by a special structure that easily conceals minor cuts and scratches that are unavoidable when using razor-sharp Japanese knives. Also, Hinoki cutting board has natural antibacterial properties and therefore it’s resistant to rotting and fungus growth. Hinoki wood has a nice natural smell similar to citrus, it is nice on the touch and pleasures eye as well. 
You can buy this made in Japanese Hinoki cutting board directly from Japan in our store.  
Size: 22 cm*22cm*1.5cm
Weight: 365 g
Material: natural Hinoki wood. Stand is made from wood. 
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